Bengaluru: Debraj Dutta, who hails from Mumbai, spends Rs 46 to travel by a suburban train to and from work and another Rs 50 by autorickshaws for last-mile commute. Although Ashok V, a Bengalurean, spends over Rs 80 just one way by autorickshaw from Jayanagar to MG Road.
The cost of commuting is the reason why Bengaluru the fourth costliest city in the country. Bengaluru's biggest handicap is the public transport, so that it is the most expensive city in terms of travel in concerned. Bengaluru has been ranked one hundred and eightieth among the 209 global cities in Mercer's Expense of Living survey, 2016, which was released just lately. The IT City shifted three ranks up from 183 in 2015 to 180 in 2016. Mumbai, however, remains the priciest city in India, standing 82nd among all metropolitan areas surveyed globally. Add to this the fuel cost and gross annual road taxes for ve and gross annual road tax for vehicles, which is again the best in Karnataka. Although Mumbai is the costliest indian city, petrol there costs Rs 69. 32 a litre; it's marginally higher in Bengaluru: Rs 69. 49 (July rate).
Likewise, Karnataka has the maximum lifetime road tax for private vehicles across models. The lowest is 10% for a motorcycle value Rs 50, 000. Life-time tax for cars starts off from 13% (for those costing less than Rs 5 lakh). The consequence is more expensive of transportation for all types of goods and services. Also this is why bus and taxi prices are higher in Bengaluru compared to those comprise of metros except Mumbai. Bus fare in Bengaluru starts at Rs six for first 2 kilometers; taxi fare is set at Rs 14.50 km for a non-AC vehicle.
According to the report, dairy products, grocery store, alcohol, tobacco, domestic products and personal care products cost the most in Bengaluru. These are generally the top five categories of items on which Bengalureans spend the most. Says Ruchika Pal, India practice innovator, global mobility, Mercer: "Cost of fuel, higher vehicle registration tax and higher vehicle maintenance cost add to transportation expense of goods and services. Pertaining to instance, Karnataka hiked dairy price by Rs 4 in January, something no other state has recently been doing. This is a steep hike considering dairy is a vital commodity. Bengaluru has also seen a surge in house lease during the past couple of years. On an average, there have been an 8% hike in rentals. "
Home food, having food at home is an expensive affair in Bengaluru.
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